I am officially coming back to photography because I have missed it so much! While I LOVE, LOVE Mary Kay products and sharing them with others, I realized that I don't have the same drive to "move up" in Mary Kay that others have. Would I mind becoming a director one day? No. Do I still want to do facials? Definitely! Yet when I sit and think about what is most important, realizing that I can't do it all, I ask myself... well... what would you be most sad to fail at or leave behind? Being a good wife and mommy is number one on my list after faithfully following Christ. But then I think, besides the obvious, what would I miss most if I had to give it up? Photography or Mary Kay? There is no contest. PHOTOGRAHY wins hands down!!
Why photography? Because... photography makes me smile. Photography gives me a medium for expressing the beauty that I see in others and their life's "journey." Photography allows me to capture memories that might otherwise be forgotten and to record stories that might otherwise go untold. Photography is my passion and just the thought of giving that up hurts deep down inside me.
So... here I come! I'm back! I can't wait to start shooting again!
Since my mom is in rehab after a bad car accident, I can't promise how often I will post, but I will post as often as possible! And I appreciate your sharing my name with anyone who is looking for a photographer who is passionate about what she does! :)
It's good to be back! God bless!